Integration of Gas and Renewables
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Primary Research Goals:
Leaders: Frank Wolak Mark Thurber
- Gas for reliability
- Energy storage
- Gas and electricity integration
- Retail markets and demand response
Faculty & Researchers

Associate Director for Research at PESD, Social Science Research Scholar

Holbrook Working Professor of Commodity Price Studies in the Dept of Economics / Director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development - Stanford University
- Trevor Davis–Post-Doctoral Scholar at Program on Energy Sustainable Development--Worked on cleaning and preparing the EPA CEMS data for empirical analysis. Primarily worked on software development for the Energy Market Game.
- Ryan Triolo—Graduate Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering--Worked on empirical analysis of CEMS hourly generation unit-level output data for California and ERCOT.
- Kurt Sweat—Graduate Student in Economics--Worked on empirical analysis of CEMS data for natural gas consumption in by generation units in California and ERCOT
- Brennan Bower—Undergraduate in Economics--Worked on analysis of the CEMS data for generation natural gas and coal-fired units located in WECC.
- Helen Hill—Undergraduate Student in Economics-- Worked on analysis of the CEMS data for generation natural gas and coal-fired units located in WECC.
Related Publications
- Thurber, M. (2024). Policy Memo: Better battery strategy in emerging markets. Energy for Growth Hub.
- Kovscek, A., Nordbotten, J., & Ferno, M. (2023). Scaling up FluidFlower results for carbon dioxide storage in geological media. arXiv.
Integration of Gas and Renewables Annual Report
Stanford Natural Gas Initiative seed funded projects require annual submissions of brief technical progress reports and interim report summaries for active projects. Closed projects require a technical report and final report summary one year after the award close date.
Read the most recent interim report (Coming soon)