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Natural Gas Initiative is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy.

Hydrogen Economy

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Primary Research Goals:

Leaders: Noami Boness Tom Jaramillo Xiaoling Zheng

  • Liquid carriers for transportation
  • Generation from natural gas
  • Storage and distribution
  • Decarbonization of natural gas


Hydrogen Economy Focus Area

We are in the midst of a global energy transformation driven by climate concerns, disruptive advances in renewable energy, the enabling power of data and the digital revolution, and the merging of traditional industrial sectors.  Future energy systems will have many requirements: Low carbon, resilient and reliable, globally transportable, affordable, safe, and suitable for stationary and mobile applications from light duty to heavy duty. Hydrogen and electricity, renewably generated, as well as fossil fuels with CO2 capture are attractive contenders. CO2 capture for mobile applications is difficult, leaving hydrogen and electricity as the current main contenders for sustainable transportation fuels. Hydrogen is also being considered for long duration energy storage and as an energy carrier for regions of the world with an abundance of renewably generated electricity  Against this backdrop, Stanford is conducting research on hydrogen as a future fuel to understand its ability to meet current and future energy requirements, identify its gaps, and compare its supply and value chain with other fuels. Active research areas include Hydrogen generation, storage, transportation, distribution and utilization applications. Learn more about Energy Modeling Forum


Faculty & Researchers

Thomas Jaramillo

Professor of Chemical Engineering, of Energy Science Engineering, and of Photon Science
Xiaolin Zheng

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, of Energy Science Engineering and, by courtesy, of Materials Science and Engineering




Research Groups

Jaramillo Group

Our mission is to advance matters related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), aspects that are essential and foundational to advancing knowledge in science and engineering. Our research is focused on sustainable energy technologies. In particular, we investigate key chemical transformations for the production, storage, and utilization of renewable energy.

Xia Lab

The group is interested in the design, synthesis, and manipulation of novel organic and polymeric materials. They use a combination of organic and polymer chemistry, catalysis, and advanced characterizations to create, control, and investigate unusual (macro) molecular structures and organic materials with tailored conformations nanostructures, properties, and functions, which advance our fundamental understanding of emerging topics in chemistry and polymer science as well as target important technological applications.

Related Publications

Hydrogen Economy Focus Area Annual Report

Stanford Natural Gas Initiative seed funded projects require annual submissions of brief technical progress reports and interim report summaries for active projects. Closed projects require a technical report and final report summary one year after the award close date. 

Read the most recent interim report (Coming soon)