Energy Access and Energy Equity
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Primary Research Goals:
Leaders: Noami Boness Mark Thurber Frank Wolak
- Gas distribution utilities
- Gas infrastructure models
- Emerging markets
- Reliability in nascent grids
Faculty & Researchers

NGI Managing Director

Associate Director for Research at PESD, Social Science Research Scholar

Holbrook Working Professor of Commodity Price Studies in the Dept of Economics / Director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development - Stanford University
- Trevor Davis (postdoctoral scholar at PESD): development of gas/renewables integration scenarios in PESD’s Energy Market Game.
- Ryan Triolo (Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering): support for gas scenario development for PESD’s Energy Market Game.
Related Publications
- Tonelli, D., Rosa, L. ., Gabrielli, P., & al, et. (2024). Cost-competitive decentralized ammonia fertilizer production can increase food security. Nature Food.
- Cost-competitive decentralized ammonia fertilizer production can increase food security. (2024). Nature Food.
- A Methodology for Fueling Mobility Markets with Hydrogen from Natural Gas plus Carbon Capture and Sequestration. (2024). International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.
- Chen, C., Oh, J., Yang, A. ., Zhou, C., Liccardo, G., Sapru, S., & Cargnello, M. (2024). Understanding the effects of manganese and zinc promoters on ferrite catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to hydrocarbons through colloidal nanocrystals . Surface Science, 741, 122424.
- Okoroafor, E., Bracci, J., Boness, N., Saltzer, S., & al, et. (2024). A Methodology for Fueling Mobility Markets with Hydrogen from Natural Gas plus Carbon Capture and Sequestration. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 133, 104095.
- Thurber, M. (2024). Policy Memo: Better battery strategy in emerging markets. Energy for Growth Hub.
- Zhang, Z., Cusworth, D., Ayasse, A., Sherwin, E., & Brandt, A. (2023). Measuring Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminals With Imaging Spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Bracci, J., Sherwin, E., Boness, N., & Brandt, A. (2023). Leveling the Playing Field: A Cost Comparison of Various Hourly- Reliable, Net-Zero Hydrogen Production Pathways. Nature Communications, 14, 7391.
- Baert, K., Boness, N., & Chen, J. (2023). Future of Hydrogen Markets Workshop Report. February 20-21, 2023. Stanford Energy.
- Thurber, M. (2023). LNG exports and domestic gas use are not zero-sum. Energy for Growth Hubs.
- Rojas, J., Zhai, S., Sun, E., Haribal, V., Marin-Quiros, S., Sarkar, A., Gupta, R., Cargnello, M., Chueh, W., & Majumdar, A. (2023). Technoeconomics and carbon footprint of hydrogen production . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 49(28), 10706-10723.
- Rutherford, J., Sherwin, E., Chen, Y., Aminfard, S., & Brandt, A. (2023). Evaluating methane emission quantification performance and uncertainty of aerial technologies via high-volume single-blind controlled releases. EarthArXiv.
- Sherwin, E., Rutherford, J., Chen, Y., Aminfard, S., Kort, E., Jackson, R., & Brandt, A. (2023). Single-blind validation of space-based point-source detection and quantification of onshore methane emissions.
- Zoback, M., & Smit, D. (2023). Meeting the challenges of large-scale carbon storage and hydrogen production. PNAS, 120(11). 10.1073/pnas.2202397120
- Kovscek, A., Nordbotten, J., & Ferno, M. (2023). Scaling up FluidFlower results for carbon dioxide storage in geological media. arXiv.
- AC Transit’s Zero Emission Transit Bus Technology Analysis (Volume 4). (2022). AC Transit.
- Hydrogen Derived from Natural Gas with Carbon Capture and Storage. (2022). Stanford Hydrogen Initiative.
- Kincer, J., Auth, K., & Thurber, M. (2022). Untangling ‘stranded assets’ and ‘carbon lock-in.
- Stanford Hydrogen Launch Symposium Report. (2022). [Report]. Stanford Hydrogen Initiative.
- AC Transit’s Zero Emission Transit Bus Technology Analysis (Volume 3). (2022). AC Transit.
Energy Access and Energy Equity
Annual Report
Stanford Natural Gas Initiative seed funded projects require annual submissions of brief technical progress reports and interim report summaries for active projects. Closed projects require a technical report and final report summary one year after the award close date.