Anthony Kovscek
Tony Kovscek is the Keleen and Carlton Beal Professor in Petroleum Engineering and a senior fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy. His research explores the physics of flow through porous media in a range of applications, from energy storage and the recovery of unconventional hydrocarbon resources to the mitigation of carbon emissions from fossil fuels via geological sequestration of greenhouse gases.
In addition to his research and teaching at Stanford, Kovscek leads a Department of Energy-funded Energy Frontier Research Center aimed at transforming the way energy is generated, transformed, stored and used. The Center for Mechanistic Control of Unconventional Formations investigates the fundamental science of coupled physical, chemical and mechanical processes in unconventional formations – commonly known as shale – for reduced environmental impacts of natural gas production in the short term and, importantly, to provide foundational understanding of carbon dioxide utilization and geological storage.